This is an overview of the current state of this Gitorious setup.
Is everything ok? <%= @everything_healthy %>
Git user present w/ correct permissions? | <%= @git_user_ok %> |
Rails process present and owned by git user? | <%= @rails_process_owned_by_git_user %> |
Repository directories present w/ correct permissions? | <%= @repo_dir_ok %> |
Tarball directories present w/ correct permissions? | <%= @tarball_dirs_ok %> |
(git user) ~/.ssh/authorized_keys present w/ correct permissions? | <%= @authorized_keys_ok %> |
At least one Gitorious account exists? | <%= @atleast_one_gitorious_account_present %> |
ssh daemon is up? | <%= @ssh_deamon_up %> |
git-daemon or git-proxy is up? | <%= @git_daemon_up %> |
Message queue worker is up? | <%= @poller_up %> |
Mysql is up? | <%= @mysql_up %> |
Search engine is up? | <%= @ultrasphinx_up %> |
Redis up? | <%= @queue_service_up %> |
Memcached is up? | <%= @memcached_up %> |
Less than <%= Gitorious::Diagnostics::MAX_HEALTHY_DISK_USAGE%>% disk space used? | <%= @enough_disk_free %> |
Less than <%= Gitorious::Diagnostics::MAX_HEALTHY_RAM_USAGE%>% RAM used? | <%= @enough_RAM_free %> |
Average cpu load last 15 minutes below <%= Gitorious::Diagnostics::MAX_HEALTHY_CPU_LOAD%>%? | <%= @healthy_cpu_load_average %> |
<%= @uptime_output %>
<%= @free_output %>
<%= @vmstat_output %>
<%= @df_output %>
An go/no-go summary of the system is available at a separate <%= link_to "summary url", :action => "summary" %>. This can be pinged regularly from an external monitoring service to keep tabs on the status of this Gitorious installation. If everything is ok then it will respond "OK". If not, it will respond with a 500 error code.